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Prenatal Portrait

Once you have confirmed your pregnancy

its important to know your options, both for now

and for the future.


Our trained staff are here to walk beside you, so that you may sort out concerns, choices and changes that you may experience.​


We can help speak with your partner and your family as well as refer you to professional services such as counselling, prenatal care or other community services that go alongside your needs.


Book an appt now to speak with one of our waiting staff.



Your pregnant.

Your emotions are in turmoil and you can’t thing clearly.
We can help you understand your options and find clarity.


"I’m not ready to parent right now, my baby can’t wait for me to be ready."

"I have tasks and dreams of my own to accomplish, I want my child to be proud of who I am."

"I want my child to have a mom and a dad 24/7"

"I do not have enough of a support system in my life right now to help me parent."

"I want to break the connection between myself and the birth father."

"I don’t have a partner to share the responsibilities of raising a child with."

If you have ever gone through any of these thoughts, you may want to consider exploring adoption.

Exploring doesn’t mean committing unless you decide adoption is right for you.
The choice is yours.

Let’s chat and explore what adoption may look like for you.


Why is adoption so hard?
For a variety of reasons, most women don’t want to consider adoption. One primary reason is that they are afraid it will make them feel too sad.

This emotion is normal and understandable - carrying a baby for nine months involves bonding, so separation is painful.
We are here to support

Learn More

Adoption is a loving parenting choice, although it also involves a journey of grief.

We come alongside to help make an adoption plan that you envision, connect you to a local adoption agency of your choice, and help you find the right family where the child will be loved and cherished. 

We provide you with prenatal vitamins, maternity clothes and emotional support throughout the pregnancy and adoption process, offering a safe place to process and grieve.

Pregnant Woman in Nature

Adoption doesn't have to be scary. Let's chat about this option.

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